Sunday 20 January 2013

The Sepulchral Glamour of The Opposite House

 The Magic Red Cupboard- bottom left for the FT
In Beijing, international newspapers are usually found in international hotels. However, such hotels are a little hard to come by, near where I live, and unfortunately, I happen to be hopelessly addicted to the FT Weekend.

CW casually mentioned that the café at The Opposite House, which is down the road from where I live, offers the FT Weekend for browsing. Wonderful news!
 Modern Art
 This impressive hotel has a most unusual interior, with melodramatic lighting and a sepulchral ambience not unlike a cross between an Ang Lee and a Tim Burton movie set. Pride of place in the hotel were enormous sculptures of two unborn babies, shrouded in red netting. I think they call it Modern Art.
Being a real philistine, I ignored the beguiling babies and went in desperate search of the café. I rather naively assumed that since the hotel’s café offered the FT for browsing, it must be for sale at the hotel too.  A Kind Lady from the hotel front desk was most bemused by my queries about the FT, and led me a Magic Red Cupboard, which she then opened to reveal a stash of FT newspapers. Wow! She gave me the weekend edition for free, and I promised that I’d read it at the hotel café, which I dutifully did. Btw, the café serves an excellent cappuccino.

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